Breaking News
December 27, 2016

Info Post

The First Trillion Dollar Tech Company Microsoft

Going after two of the largest tech giants, Apple and Alphabet (Parent company of Google), there is a possibility of Microsoft being crowned as the first digital technology company to achieve a market value of trillion dollars, says Michael Markowski of

Here are the market caps of the biggest tech giant as of today:

Apple – $622.6 Bn
Alphabet – $549.7 Bn
Microsoft – $489.3 Bn
Amazon – $358.7 Bn
Facebook – $337.6 Bn

The very first reasoning which will enable Microsoft to achieve the trillion dollar goal before any of the other tech firms - LinkedIn he predicts, will swell to nearly 700 million by 2020. He also adds,
The $26.2 billion paid averaged out to $60 for each of LinkedIn’s users. That compares to the average Facebook user being valued for $218 based on its market cap. There is also a logical argument as to why a LinkedIn user will ultimately be more valuable than a Facebook user.
Microsoft, with its ownership of LinkedIn, is extremely well positioned to be a major player. It has a monopoly on the business social media niche or community.

Microsoft is basically positioned around its latest $26.2 billion acquisition, which could turn out to be its greatest asset. People guessed, Apple was being seen as the most valuable company to achieve in crossing trillion dollar valuation threshold. It has already once achieved a $700 million market value in the US back in early 2015 but due to the delivery of not-the-best products, Apple's market has fall down in sales.

On the other side under the leadership of CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft has been directing focus on the expansion of cloud and enterprise software services.
Some have even gone as far as to state that Microsoft is currently the most creative and innovative brand in the market as compared to Cupertino.